Tuesday, August 11, 2009

It Begins...

I'm tired of debating politics on Facebook. I feel completely passive-aggressive when I post liberal propaganda, just to point things out to my conservative friends. And I get borderline irate when I see people who used to be funny and entertaining use Facebook solely as a forum for political antagonism and agenda-spreading. And it's not just Facebook. It's bumper stickers, t-shirts, text messages...hell, I even post political opinion on my foodie blog. It's out of control. I'm starting this blog to accomplish three things:

1--to provide a forum for discussion among friends.
2--to encourage use of this outlet in lieu of constant friend-badgering on non-political sites
3--to learn more about different viewpoints, and to be able to talk them out with people I respect and enjoy

I hope the discussions swing wildly between cerebral and ridiculous opining. I hope it's intelligent and funny and silly, and I hope we all learn something.

This may not work, and it may be a waste of another blogspot domain name, but at least we'll have tried...


  1. hehehe....im kidding. this is cool. i never have anything intelligent to say about politics. i only have natural frustrations. so maybe i can learn something from this. peaceout:)

  2. As do I. I have a lot to say, so this was an excellent idea. I'm excited to get into some healthy (and hopefully fun) disagreements with other people, while also learning some things about why people have opposing viewpoints. - Krisann
