Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Ha! Politics!

Well, if any of you have ever read my "about me" section on Facebook you'll know that I basically live under a rock, given that I'm in grad school for literature. Thusly, 98% of my time is devoted to reading literature and a bunch of literary criticism that nobody cares about. So, my point is that I while away the hours thinking about phallic symbols and Christ imagery... Not so much with the current events.

However, I'm game to try to expand my interests a bit. Especially since the "real world" outside of literary academia seems to be looming. So, in honor of my first post I shall avoid being witty or smart but will attempt to provide some fodder for discussion.

Read, and discuss: Fascism in America.

1 comment:

  1. That's a REALLY interesting article. And it makes some great points. I very much condemn painting all republicans with the same brush. Many of them are good, intelligent people. Just like I know tons of liberals who are good, intelligent people. But I can say that the behavior of the loudest republicans right now does seem to lean toward fascism. Not in its historical sense, but in the neo-fascist sense that was written about in the article. The fearmongering, rabble-rousing few are causing everyone else to skew their own thinking. It's really terrifying.
